Communication credits
Your Coaching Hours Bank
Get your whole team ready to present their best selves. You can move the needle on the presentation power of all your people so your company looks and sounds clear, coherent and on-point. 10-Hour Package (Entry Level) Perfect for small teams or specific presentation projects Valid for 3 months Includes basic scheduling flexibility Best for organizations testing the service ILS14K + 18%VAT 20-Hour Package (Professional) Ideal for medium-sized teams or ongoing presentation needs Valid for 3 months 5% discount compared to 10-hour rate ILS26K + 18%VAT 30-Hour Package (Premium) Designed for larger teams or comprehensive communication training Valid for 3 months 10% discount compared to 10-hour rate 38K + 18%VAT Sessions can be booked online or a minimum of four sessions can be booked for a single day in person.
Contact Details
Jerusalem, Israel